Gedera - Sunday Free Online Guided Meditation- Beginners and Above

Meditate, meet and get motivated.
Meditation that you can use. Meditate for spiritual awakening, stress care, personal development, health...
How to join?
Please click on 'Attend Online' to get Zoom link
We recommend joining by laptop for better experience. All levels welcome.
You will find experience of this online class very real life like and in fact more attentive and personal
Facebook for more resources- more live events, recorded sessions, self learning units, mentorship, downloads..... Join now!
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Expected Outcome of class?
- Learn how to meditate at home
- Learn best practices and techniques
- Experience the 'awakening' of healing energy within us that gives peace and balance
- Sahaja Yoga meditation toolkit resources to apply techniques learnt in daily life
What happens after this class?
These recurring classes are meant to come together and meditate and learn little by little, so please plan to join them every week for growth in your meditative state and practice. You are equipped with knowledge to start practicing from day 1. As you join us for subsequent classes you are taken forward in meditation practice. In case you are unable to join a class, don't worry and rejoin any time and you can always start afresh.
Do share this event with you friends, colleagues, neighbors and loved ones. It may change their life and it may be the best gift they ever got :).
Need Help?
Please feel free to email or WhatsApp following in case you have more questions or face difficulties joining Zoom session. We will try to keep you informed about more meditation events.
[email protected]
Stay safe and keep meditating!
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Every week on Sunday
Gedera - Sunday Free Online Guided Meditation- Beginners and Above