Let's go ziplining at Skull Canyon in Corona. Fun, fun, fun!
Skull Canyon Ziplining is a new course in Corona, at a very scenic location, with over 6,000 feet of cable, and ziplines as high as 200 feet and as long as 1,800 feet, overlooking the Corona Lake and Cleveland National Forest.
The course includes a super fun side-by-side speed run, where we will get to race against one another!
You can RSVP here, but YOU NEED TO SIGN UP ASAP. They have only 8 spots available. Go to, and sign up for the 9:40 AM tour (not the 9:00 AM).
We'll meet at Skull Canyon Ziplines at 9:00. We have to hike 25-45 minutes to the start of the course, and they start promptly at 9:10. The curse takes about 2.5 hours. Afterwards, we can all go for lunch together somewhere in Corona.
All right! Let's have all the fun we can handle ziplining!
See you guys there.