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San Diego Trip (November)

Photo of Arthur
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San Diego Trip (November)


Hey y'all,

This will be our 2nd ever San Diego group trip. This meetup involves congregating down in SD for a weekend of fun exploration and social encounters.

I'll create a packed agenda for the weekend in which you're welcome to join or not as you please. **Last time we did this trip we had ~22 attendees and almost never actually had all 22 people in one place at one time. Everyone came and went throughout.

There'll be a variety of different types of events ranging from visiting museums, breweries, beaches, as well as checking out plenty other attractions.

I'll also have a 'recommended' activity list for those looking to do something different that we may not get around to as a group.

I'll create a google doc in which I can share with everyone outlining the overall trip, activities, and other useful information.

This trip is guided but getting down to SD and booking the hotel is on you. I will update this post soon with a recommended hotel list (3 options ~ one fancier, one basic, and one cheaper option).

Activates will start Friday afternoon and run all the way to early Sunday afternoon ~ but attendees are welcome to come earlier or stay later if they please.

The goal would be to get into SD sometime Friday afternoon, check into the hotel, and join the group for evening happy hour/dinner. You're welcome to depart anytime Sunday.

There IS a ticket price for this event. This covers my time and organizing the activities + reservations throughout the weekend. The cost to participate in this meetup is $100. That does NOT include your flight or hotel costs. I'll update a link to pay this and reserve your spot soon. There isn't a hard capacity on this event but it does get tougher to book meal reservations if the numbers get up there. Please only RSVP if you're serious about going.

I'll host a Zoom call on Wednesday Sept. 4th and Monday September 9th at 7pm for those with questions regarding the trip.

Feel free to message me personally with any questions or concerns.


Photo of 20 & 30-somethings friends & fun in SF group
20 & 30-somethings friends & fun in SF
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