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What we’re about

  1. Everyone who joins this group will be able to make plans for camping, 4x4 days, hiking, and other outdoor adventures. (Added as a cohost): that doesn’t mean you have to, but greatly recommended.
  2. Make plans in your area or surrounding areas.
  3. Be specific in the age category you want to join you. Ex: 30s to 40s RV camping with dogs and kids aged 4-10.
    Or ex: 40s to 50s off road camping with dogs etc…
  4. Please report any offensive people who are mean, belligerent, racist, discriminatory, etc.
  5. Drink responsibly, play responsibly, have fun, meet friends, try new adventures, stay positive, have a good attitude.

Disclosure, if you violate these categories (like selling items or promoting your business) you will automatically be taken off of this group after a review (talking to all parties involved). No one can take someone else off without my approval. If you sign up for any plans, please be respectful of the party that made the plans and let them know at least two days ahead that you will not be able to make it. please take yourself off of the attendee list. Everyone must have a current picture of themselves on their profile.
If there are any questions, you can ask on any Meetup message board or message me directly.

Upcoming events

No upcoming events