Movie - Wicked
Synopsis: A vivid reimagining of the classic The Wizard of Oz, Wicked spotlights the untold stories of Oz's most famous (or infamous) characters, namely the Wicked Witch of the West and her unlikely friend, Glinda the Good Witch. The show follows green-skinned star Elphaba from birth to college and through the life-changing events which eventually label her "wicked," introducing spoiled rich girl Glinda, local prince and heartthrob Fiyero and even the Wizard of Oz himself, a troubled man very unlike the one you may remember. As Elphaba, a passionate political activist if there ever was one, fights injustice and seeks to undo the mistakes of the past, dark secrets and personal tragedies shape the history of Oz, paying homage to the classic Wizard of Oz story while simultaneously changing fans' understanding of it forever. A cautionary tale about love, friendship and trust, Wicked effortlessly reveals that there are indeed two sides to every story.
I will be in the Reserve Level lounge area about 20 minutes before the show to get concessions. The Reserve Level features a full bar, lounge, and VIP seating in five of the auditoriums. There is a full-service kitchen, and you can either wait for your order or they will deliver to your seat. A medium sized popcorn comes with the Reserve Level ticket.
Showtime: Will be added at a future date. The movie opens on 11/22/24.
Movie Trailer:
Wicked | Official Trailer (
Park in the garage attached to Cinemark. Drive up to level three which has the entrance to the theater. Cinemark has parking validation and pay stations in the theater for a discount on the parking fee.
Movie - Wicked