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What we’re about

Let’s Play boardgames together! <br>This group is open to anybody at all ages!

List of Boardgames: <br> <br>-Saboteur 1 <br>-Saboteur 2 <br>-King of Tokyo <br>-King of New York <br>-Stone Age with Expansion <br>-Small World Original <br>-Small World Underground <br>-Small World Realms <br>-Munchkins <br>-The Resistance (base set + hidden agenda expansion) <br>-Splendor <br>-Machi Koro original <br>-Machi Koro Harbor expansion (never played) <br>-Machi Koro Millionaire's Row <br>-Agricola (never played) <br>-Sheriff of Nottingham <br>-Istanbul (never played) <br>-Star Wars X-Wing (needs a big table) <br>-7 Wonders <br>-Cuba <br>-Scythe <br>-Forbidden Stars Warhammer 4000 <br>-Smash Up <br>-Acquire <br>-Carcassonne <br>-Bang! The Card Game <br>-Bang! The Dice Game <br>-三国杀 with expansions <br>-Monopoly Deal Card Game <br>-Citadel <br>-Settlers of Catan (never played) <br>-Ultimate Werewolf deluxe edition <br>-Welcome to the Dungeon (never played) <br>-Cockroach Poker <br>-One night ultimate werewolf <br>-One night ultimate werewolf daybreak (never played) <br>-One night ultimate alien <br>-One night ultimate vampire (never played) <br>-Mascarade (with expansion) <br>-11 nimmt <br>-Salem 1962 <br>-The Singaporean Dream <br>-Loot deluxe tin card game <br>-Deep sea adventure (DIY version) <br>-Jungle Speed <br>-Samurai Sword with Rising Sun Expansion

Upcoming events (4+)

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