What we’re about
Cambridge City Green is a small group of volunteers that leverage dozens of other groups and thousands of individuals in Cambridge, Ontario to "be the change they want to see in the world." CCG is composed of volunteers who develop, host, and support community environmental projects like tree planting through the Cambridge Stewardship project, litter clean ups through the Community Clean Up Day, and an annual event (workshops, movie nights, etc.). CCG has been around since 1993 and is an action-oriented subcommittee of the Cambridge Environmental Advisory Committee of Council. Cambridge City Green initiated the Cambridge Stewardship project in 2007 with seven founding partners and one planting site. In the past 9 years (2007-2015), over 75+ groups and 3,000+ volunteers have planted over 10,000 indigenous trees, shrubs, and wildflowers at 23 sites during 81 planting events across Cambridge. Every year 3000-5000 individual volunteers and 50+ groups help take care of litter through the Cambridge Community Clean Up. Each year we plan an annual event, invite keynote speakers and local organizations doing interesting things, with an objective of positive change (rather than sitting around and complaining and blaming) and what YOU can do tommorrow. If you want to join Cambridge City Green in planning community projects, or starting new ones, or just want to participate in one of the events let us know.