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What we’re about

From beginners to pro's, Evergreen Camera Club is for people who share a passion about photography of all kinds. The mission of the Evergreen Camera Club is to promote the art of photography for people living in and around the foothills of Colorado by providing a forum where each member can contribute and learn from others.

We meet twice monthly at the Bergen Park Fire and Rescue Auditorium, 1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO 80439. Our main meeting is the second Wednesday of the month, featuring a guest speaker, and a photo contest and anonymous critique for members. We also offer a Tips and Techniques session the fourth Wednesday of each month. We host occasional workshops, seminars, field trips and special presentations, too.

Take us for a test drive! You are welcome to attend a meeting or two before deciding whether to spring for a paid membership. 

Calendar year dues are $20 for individuals or $25 for family membership (same household), payable by cash or check or online at the ECC website.  Checks may be brought to a meeting or mailed to: 

3719 Evergreen Pkwy, Ste A-105, Evergreen, CO 80439.

Learn more about us at