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What we’re about

Clean Jordan Lake is a 501(c)(3) grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to restoring the natural habitat, beautifying the shoreline and protecting water quality by removal of trash and litter. Stormwater flows carry large and small trash items from feeder streams into the lake. These deposit on the shoreline of remote coves, for example, along the Haw River Arm of the lake. Litter generated by shoreline recreational use is another huge problem. Although far less in volume than trash from stormwater, litter is more directly in the public eye and pervasive: clean it up and within a month it reappears! Since incorporation in July 2009, 5.300 volunteers have participated.  They have removed 4,300 tires and 13,000 bags (that's 130 tons!) of trash and litter in 305 events, including those in our Adopt-A-Shoreline and Adopt-A-Feeder Stream Programs. About 15 miles of shoreline have been cleaned with another 10 miles of critical sections to go.

Details of general public cleanup events are posted on this web site. Groups may schedule their own cleanups or participate in our new Adopt-A-Shoreline program. Visit our website