What we’re about
Are you single AND are into eco-friendly OR organic food OR alternative energy OR just making the planet a better place OR are a vegetarian OR are a Britcom fan OR are a vegan OR a Dr. Wayne Dyer fan.....OR all of the above OR have similar interests, then this is the SINGLES group for YOU! The ONLY purpose of this group is to have FUN and socialize with other like minded singles in a relaxed comfortable atmosphere. Our singles social group is very friendly so as long as you have some of the above interests, you are welcome to join us. Meet LOCAL people with the same interests as you! Most of our singles events are LOCAL (Monmouth/Ocean County - indoors or outdoors depending on the event). Our age range is twenties through fifties. PLEASE POST SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF IN YOUR PROFILE INTRODUCTION. Send any feedback/suggestions to Tim. If you do not wish to post YOUR photo, post a picture that reflects your personality. Join us at our low-key NO PRESSURE Green Singles events and meet some great single people. >>>YOU MUST read the "about" section BEFORE joining or attending an event.<<< Be kind to others. Copyright 2009 Mon-Ocn Cty NJ GSSG