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Camping Trips: food Food FOOD. All About FOOD!!! Cooking, Eating, Storing etc!!

Photo of Anna B.
Hosted By
Anna B. and Oddie
Camping Trips: food Food FOOD. All About FOOD!!! Cooking, Eating, Storing etc!!


Bring your own. Store your own. Cook your own. It really is more simple that way. AND you do NOT need to go super complicated or elaborate

There are firepits and grills. We will provide a bundle of wood to start you off OR a propane campfire pit. More than that you will need to get more from the camp host (or bring it). We can cook on those as open fire just like a BBQ Or bring a small personal propane burner. People are pretty good about sharing too.

BUT . . . the idea is bring breakfast and lunch that need little cooking. Dinner is the only meal that needs heat The reality is we are out for just the weekend. You will be fine.

Keeping it simple is the best. Stuff that is simple to prepare is always the better option. Whatever you are thinking about cooking . . . ask yourself . . is there a way to make this without pots or pans? Washing dishes is VERY over-rated.

Breakfast: Think simple things that do NOT need to be cooked. Or at least they need little cooking and few messy pots. Milk and Cereal. A box of Scones or muffins. Simple stuff. Bacon and eggs . . . who needs pots and grease to clean? Also . .. all that food residue you wash off is on the ground next to your campsite, and will smell delicious to animals.

Lunch: Sandwiches. Bars. Jerky, Fruits. Tuna pouches. In other words . . . easy stuff you can stash in your daypack when you head out.

Dinner. Again . . think simple. Get a bucket of KFC on Fri as you had in for Fri dinner. Or a Ralphs/Safeway roasted chicken. The leftover is perfs for Sat. Soooooooo . . . your first dinner will be something you pickup along the way. Not much cooking needed. Especially as on Fri you will also be setting up your camp.

As for the rest of the food . . . Things that cook on an open grill OR wrapped in foil (with butter) are good. Onions, Eggplant, Zucchini, Mushrooms. TONS of veggies grill awesome with just butter and salt and pepper.

Sausages, Steaks, Chicken, Fish. Any of these easy to cook on the grill.

AVOID things like burgers AND Salad. Harder to prep, make, flip and deal with. Cutting and washing lettuce? If you need greens . . . Brussel Sprouts. Butter them and put on the fire.

Canned goods. Think canned goods. Open the lid and place the can in the coals. Canned Corn, Canned Soup. Canned Chili, Canned Tuna, Canned Spam, Canned Whatever! Trader Joes, Aldi, Whole Foods . . .they all have some slightly fancy Canned Stuff.

Aluminum foil instead of pans is great. Fish, and veggies and meats can all be wrapped in foil pouch and place on the fire/grill

Sample of a simple dinner: Trout with sliced lemon, green onions, butter and garlic. Wrapped in foil pouch. Toss on the grill and it is ready to go in about 20 mins. Buy a trout/fish. Either a whole fish or a large fillet. Slice green onion, red onions, garlic, lemons. and place under, on top and in the fish. Add some sprigs of Parsley or Cilantro or Dill. Now slather butter all over it and add a bunch of salt and pepper. Fold the foil into a pouch and then do a second pouch over. Place that on the grill and in 20 mins you have a gourmet meal that took no work. Open the pouch AND the foil is ALSO your plate. NO pots or pans or dishes to do!!! Sit back and have some merlot and enjoy your dinner. Or go with a white wine since fish. Since you used red onions red wine will be just fine.

Another easy peasy meal . . .

Melted Caprese Dinner: Bread with mozzarella, pesto sauce, tomato, basil, and spices . . . place on grill to melt the cheese. No pots or pans needed!!! make a ball out of the foil when done. No washing needed.

Or forget about the cooking and have wine, bread and cheese and sliced meats for dinner.

IF you have food ideas or recipes or things you have done . . . COMMENT TO THIS and share them. They can get added for future events.

AND/OR if you have questions?

You can message us direct. For Anna Direct Message

For Marc (screen name Oddie) Direct Message


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