What we’re about
Richmond Deltaville Sailing Meetup is a friendly group of adults who are interested in sailing. This is a year-round sailing group for boat owners and non-boat owners alike to come together for social events, educational opportunities, day sails, weekend trips, and longer voyages.
There are two types of events - Social and Sailing.
1. We have monthly onshore Social events that are open to anyone who is interested in sailing.
2. The “on the water” Sailing events are handled differently than the social events. The Club doesn’t own any boats, they are all privately owned. Skippers must be sure they have a crew that can safely handle the boat. Therefore, the “first to RSVP” system doesn’t work for many of the posted sails.
When a Skipper posts a sail date and a “call for Crew”, members RSVP to show that they are available, and want to crew. The Skipper then selects from the available volunteers, based on the skill level needed for that particular sail.
If you are not chosen for a particular sail, don't be discouraged, it just means that your skill level, whatever it may be, may not fit in with that particular sail. For example, on a very windy day, the Skipper may choose mostly experienced crew.
Other Skippers choose their crew based on taking crew in the order that they RSVP on the Meetup site. You will know which type of posting it is by the way it is worded.
In either case, it is always good for Crew and Skippers to get to know each other before going sailing so the Skipper knows the skill level of each Crew member, and the crew can get familiar with the expectations of the Skipper. The Happy Hours and other social events are an excellent opportunity for Skippers and Crew to meet each other. And Crew will be more likely to be invited on a sail, if the Skipper knows the Crew's skill level.
To join this group, a recognizable face photo without sunglasses is required. Additionally, you must wear non-marking shoes when you go sailing, and be physically able to board and move about these boats. Membership approval is at the discretion of the leadership team.
This is a non-dues Meetup. You don't pay to go sailing, but do expect to work on the boat.
We take RSVP’s seriously, for both the Social Events and the Sail events. Please only RSVP if you know you will be attending a social event. When going on a Sail, contact your Skipper the evening before to verify your participation. Thank you.