Lets have a football session. Please bring cleated footware and don´t wear yellow/neon colored clothes.
In events with 16 players, we play 1 long game (2x45min) of 8 vs 8. In events with 32 players, we play 3x30 minute games, 8 vs 8, with a water break between each game.
- For safety reasons slide tackles are not allowed
- By signing up for the event, you are committing to attend. Leaving early before the event begins may lead to consequences, including possible expulsion from the group
- Only people who are confirmed can play. If you are in the waiting list and you show up anyways, you won't play unless there are no-shows.
*in case you are late be aware you can lose your spot.
- We play even when it is raining, so no excuses for dropping out late or tardiness.
- We ask that everyone have a yellow/neon bib with them as one team in each game will always be wearing a bib. Bibs can be purchased in advance (by yourself), or from Tobi (organiser) for 5€.
Finally, please help the organisers and other players in setting up/stowing away the goals and collecting the bibs, after all we are all volunteers.
Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/dHcqSdTWdy9eBmiDA
In the event that you have to call an ambulance for someone who has been injured while playing soccer, please provide the operator the following address: Staudingerstrasse 65.