What we’re about
Love to run, and would love it even more if you had friends to run with you? Running to us is fun, social and a chance to stay fit. Our running groups includes both casual runners and those who are working on improving speed and distance, or training for a specific race. We welcome new runners and more experienced runners to join this Meetup group. Our runs include everything from easy recovery runs to speed work and long runs. Several runs are posted each week including weekday and weekend runs.
We will be updating the schedule for 2021 group runs during the first couple of weeks of the new year. Please contact Er Ralston if you have a group run that you would like to add or if you are will to co-lead one of the established group runs. Happy 2021 to everyone!
We ask that everyone practice safe running guidelines, and to be especially careful during this pandemic period. We will continue to monitor the guidance of public health officials and the rules established by governmental bodies. We will adapt our guidelines as conditions allow.
• Continue social distancing before, during, after runs.
Wear a mask anytime you are unable to maintain a safe distance of at least 6 feet.
• Spread out when running together; split into smaller groups based upon pace and distance preferences.
• Discourage post-run social gatherings at this time.
Most runners in this Meetup group are also members of Twin City Track Club (TCTC), a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting running and fitness in the Winston-Salem, North Carolina area. Membership is not required to join our running group and there is no fee to participate in our runs. Of course, we would love it if you did join TCTC. Our 500 members include runners and walkers of all abilities. Membership is inexpensive, only $20 per year for an individual. Find out more about joining here: http://www.twincitytc.org/Club-Information/Membership We also have a Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/twincitytrackclub/