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Fear to Love-Forgiveness

Photo of Gail
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Fear to Love-Forgiveness


Join me as we discuss the Power of Forgiveness:

Forgiveness is a central theme in "A Course in Miracles," serving as a profound tool for healing and spiritual growth. According to the teachings of the course, true forgiveness goes beyond merely pardoning someone for their actions; it involves recognizing that what we perceive as wrongdoing stems from our own illusions and misunderstandings.

In this transformative perspective, forgiveness becomes an act of releasing ourselves from the chains of judgment and resentment. By forgiving others—and ourselves—we let go of grievances that cloud our perception and keep us anchored to past hurts. This release allows us to experience inner peace and reconnect with our inherent divine nature.

"A Course in Miracles" teaches that through genuine forgiveness, we can dissolve barriers between ourselves and others, fostering deeper connections rooted in love rather than fear. It encourages us to see beyond surface-level conflicts into the shared essence within all beings—a place where only love exists.

Embracing this practice not only heals relationships but also liberates us from self-imposed limitations. As we forgive more freely, we open up space for miracles—shifts towards greater awareness—and align more closely with our purpose.

Photo of A Course in Miracles-A Guide to Self-Love and Miracles group
A Course in Miracles-A Guide to Self-Love and Miracles
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