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What we’re about

"A Space for Us" is a dynamic and inclusive community dedicated to conscious, mindful living. Based in Amsterdam with a global reach through our in person and online experiences, we are here to welcome vibrant, open-hearted individuals ready to explore greater possibilities.

Our mission is to unite those who are eager to elevate their lives and the world around them. Together, we co-create with intention, embracing new perspectives and manifesting the lives we truly desire. As we elevate our personal vibrations, we invite others who are vibrationally aligned to join us, amplifying our collective impact.

We believe that each of us can spark powerful ripple effects within our communities and beyond. A more conscious world starts with the energy we bring, and we are excited to welcome fresh, inspiring souls into our circle.

Ready to join the journey and add your unique energy? Let’s create magic together. Will you come play?

Upcoming events (4+)

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