Meditation Reminder
NO PUBLIC MEDITATIONS: The physical ashram in Florida is permanently closed, and there are no public meditations. I am in the process of retiring from ashram management, and now living a quiet life of meditation, residing in Virginia.
SHRAMA: The root of the word "ashram" is "shrama" which means effort of striving in practices ("abhyasa") of meditation and contemplation. The ideal ashram is ones own home. We each practice in our own home, turning our home into our ideal ashram.
MEDITATION TIMES: Two of my personal meditation times are Noon and 6pm. If you want to feel a sense of meditation together, sit in your own home at this time. It may help with self-discipline.
ONLINE VIDEOS: Most days I post archived videos in the Abhyasa Ashram Satsang group ( page on Facebook.
COURSES: We have several online courses, all of which are related to mediation. While they all work together, the Basic Meditation would be a good place to start if you are new to meditation. Click here for descriptions and enrollment ( in the courses.
Best wishes with your meditation practices.
Swami Jnaneshvara ("Swami J")
Every week on every day
Meditation Reminder