Hi all,
Covid is OVER and we are finally jamming again.
The jams have been moved to my home studio at Sankt Eriksplan.
Ableton jams are pretty simple. No special hardware is required. Synchronization is very simple through Ableton Link (see below). All sounds, loops, instruments, and experience levels are welcome.
Or bring nothing and no experience at all. A relaxed attitude is all you need.
What to Bring
Gear: Laptop, sound card, (cables to plug in to the mixer!!), and headphones.
Also bring your favorite loops and sounds. A little prep goes a long way. If you have a bunch of stuff prepared at a certain tempo, then feel free to suggest that tempo.
Bring your own cables if possible.
How to Sync
Easy. Just connect to my home wifi and turn on ‘Link’ in Ableton (9.6 or later) Preferences. Hit play. Ableton will start playing on the next bar.
Basically ... electronic. We can experiment with a variety of tempos.
What to Play
The key is to be a bit sparse. A single instrument track is probably enough.
You don't need to be playing the entire time. Or at all. In fact, it's usually best when only 2 or 3 people are playing at once and the rest are laying out.
Also Appreciated ...
Extra cables, mixer, USB hub, MIDI interface, beer for Christian.
You can also use ...
I will bring spare MIDI keyboards for somebody to borrow. We have an extra Minilogue lying around the studio. I can also bring a Monologue, Bass Station 2, SH-101, Analog Heat, or Waldorf Streichfelt if you ask me in advance.