04 - What is Love? - An ACP FREE Foundation Event - Join us!

The 5 Foundation Events – One at a time!
(Description of this event is listed below by number!)
Check out our Reviews!
Worksheets can be printed out ahead of time by going to this page!
01 – Attachment Style
Do you know your attachment style? Without question, it is the most important relationship awareness tool that you will ever learn.
It is our attachment style that will dictate who we attract, how we act and how we interact in every relationship we have, whether it’s a romantic relationship, family, friend, child or co-worker.
Don’t miss this one, it can change your life!!
02 – Core Values
Do you know your Core Values?
Compatible Core Values are the key to a long lasting relationship, yet most people don’t know what their true values really are.
This event will make you think as you explore what it is that you really want!
03 – Explore Your Personality
If you are not aware of YOUR personality type, then you are missing out on a fantastic opportunity to understand how you are perceived by others and how many some minor adjustments can make a massive difference in your life.
Come out and explore your personality and discover some of your unconscious patterns!
04 – What is Love?
Is it really “Love” that is full of affection, companionship and emotional support, or is it a codependent relationship that is laced with jealousy, possessiveness and fear based behaviours.
Let’s discover what love really is and what YOU are really looking for.
O5 – Do I Love Myself?
If I asked you to rate yourself from 1-100 – “How Much Do You Love Yourself?”, what would you say? For most of us, the answer isn’t what we want it to be.
If we don’t love ourselves, is it possible that we might not be allowing someone else to love us?
Could that be part of the reason why dating and relationships seem so hard?
Let’s explore what “I Love Myself” really means!
At A Conscious Partner, we don’t just ask the tough questions, we help you to better understand what is really happening and we offer you the tools to make the adjustments.
The solution is quite clear; if we are looking for peaceful lives and secure relationships, there is simply nothing more important than exploring and adopting “Self-Awareness” into your life.
Join us on this journey of awareness and self-discovery as we explore the barriers that are blocking us from the happiness we seek.
If you have never been out to an A Conscious Partner event, please be prepared for a very social and fun environment. There will be plenty of laughter, some great conversation and a safe environment.
Come on out to this fun and innovative way of promoting awareness and growth in yourself and others.
Developed by Bruce Dougherty & Dr. Gisèle Tennant
Visit the website – www.aconsciouspartner.com
Visit the website! - https://www.aconsciouspartner.com
Visit Our Calendar of Events - https://www.keepandshare.com/calendar27/show.php?i=2961019
Visit our You Tube Channel (Watch the videos about Exposing Grief!!)
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This is a multi-city posting - There will be people attending from other cities.
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04 - What is Love? - An ACP FREE Foundation Event - Join us!