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Rules For The Group!

Photo of Mathew
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Rules For The Group!


Hello and welcome!

Please review the rules for the group!

We strive and continue to create and environment for everyone in the basis of race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, national origin, genetic information, socioeconomic status and social class or any other characteristic protected by law. Anyone that makes anyone feel uncomfortable or unwelcomed will be removed from the group. No questions asked. This is a safe welcoming space for all.


1) WE ARE NOT A DATING GROUP - Active & Over 40 is NOT a dating group. This is a place where you want to do the active and to make new friends. If your intent is to find a partner or pick someone up, this is not the group for you. Anyone that messages anyone that have not met that member or asked to reach-out to them will be removed from the group. If you would like to contact someone, please message one of the Organizers as they can make the first contact. Also, if a member doesn’t want to share their email with you, their socials or any information you must respect their boundaries at a Meetup. However, if two people like each other, hit it off at event and start to date that is great. You are joining the group to want to do these actives.

2) WHAT IT MEANS TO RSVP TO EVENT - Signing up to event means that you are 100% sure you can make it based on where you are in your life when you sign up. It means that you are self-aware of your life, you know when you can and can't make to event. That you understand that events will happen in all types of weather and you will sign up once the weather meets your needs. It means that you will change your RSVP 24hrs before the start of the event. For most event you will be asked for your cell number and if you don't have leave, you will be removed to "NOT GOING". When we text you a text reminder and you don't text back to could be removed from the event.

3) CANCEL POLICY : Members that change their RSVP within the 24hrs start of the event to "NOT GOING" with be asked to pay a canceling fee of $10 that you can send by E-transfer to [email protected] - You will no be able to join any other events till this is paid. Changing your RSVP within the 24hrs of the event does have a negative impact on the event. If the event starts at 11am and change your RSVP at 10:59am the day before you are fine. If you change it at 11:01am the day before and after that, you will be asked to pay the $10 canceling fee.
THIS IS FOR ANY REASON and discretion of the Organizer.

4) SERIAL RSVPers - This is a member that signs up for everything or everytime they sign up to event they change it a few days before the event. Signing up means that you really want to go. You are not a maybe or that you will "pick" the best event from all our groups you have signed to. Serial RSVPers will be removed from the group.

5) YOU CAN JUST SHOW UP TO EVENT - Members are always welcome to "just show up to events". You can always sign up on the day of or if you are able to join us. This is great for members that are busy or don't like to plan-a-head. Please note that this not the case for restaurants and day trips.

6) MEETUP FEE - The Meetup fee helps to support the group. It helps to cover the cost of running a group, for events and helps to create new events. . However, members that would like to attend events but may not have the means to pay for are welcome to still join us. You can Pay-What-You-Can or not pay. There are no questions asked but letting the Orgainzer know before hand is a good idea. If you want to come to event, please come to event. Just note that restaurants are the exception because we do need the seating fee but you would get it all back when you showed up and you will be supporting the restaurant by ordering.

7) ASKING QUSTIONS - Organizers are more then happy to aswer yours qustions. However, before you ask your qustion about event/Meetup, make sure that you have A) Read through the whole event B) That you have click the Google map to find where it is C) That you have done everything you can to understand the event.

Please Note: All events are transit friendly and focused. Which means if you are driving it means that you are responsible for finding your own parking and the Organizers will not be able to help you. The Organizers will not be able to help you to map out how to get to the event.

8) Being Independent and Self-Sufficient - All members are welcome to any event. However, membes should be able to be independent and should not need the support from other members to get through event. Everyone should be able to enjoy event and not feel that must assist another member. Please take the time to review and event and see if it is a right fit for you. We understand that things happen and d assistance will be provided as needed.

Photo of Active & Over 40 group
Active & Over 40
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