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Volpone or The Fox by Ben Jonson

Photo of Susie H
Hosted By
Susie H.
Volpone        or The Fox  by Ben Jonson


On Thursday 3 October, the Norwood group will read Volpone by Ben Jonson.
Please bring a text - or download that from the Project Gutenberg website, (link below) or send me your email address & I will send you a word doc..
In May the group completed its first reading of all Shakespeare’s plays, (and much of the poetry) and as we begin again, we will occasionally be reading a play of one of Shakespeare’s contemporaries. For October, the group plans to read one of the plays of Ben Jonson (c1572 - 1637) Shakespeare b.1564 - d.1616

On arrival, please buy drinks and order a meal to support the venue which makes the room available at no charge. We will all eat together and continue reading after the meal break.
Payment of $10 for July - December is now due, to cover Meetup costs.

Photo of Shakespeare Play Reading Group group
Shakespeare Play Reading Group
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Wednesday, October 2, 2024
8:30 AM
Norwood Hotel
97 The Parade · Norwood, SA
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