Ramanujan’s Challenge: Dive Into The World of Impossible Proofs
Hosted By
Johanni T.
- Study Time (25 minutes)
Dive into any math topic that interests you! Whether it's calculus, algebra, statistics, or geometry, take 25 minutes to explore and prepare to share your insights. - Sharing Knowledge in Pairs (20 minutes)
Team up with a partner and share what you've learned. Each person gets 10 minutes to explain their discoveries and insights. It's all about learning from each other! - Meet & Greet: Study Interests and Goals (15 minutes)
Let's get to know each other! Introduce yourself and share what you're currently studying and your goals. This could be a magazine article, a book, a research paper, or any other resource. Discuss your motivations and see if anyone else is interested in studying the same topics. This is a great opportunity to form study groups and collaborate on shared interests. - Impossible Proof Challenge (30 minutes)
Get ready to stretch your mind! Together, we will work on an "impossible" math problem. We'll brainstorm and attempt to solve this famous proof problem, using teamwork and creativity. Afterward, we'll discuss why the solution is mathematically impossible, and what we can learn from trying.
Adventure Math Club
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Ramanujan’s Challenge: Dive Into The World of Impossible Proofs