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What we’re about

**We will be playing in person at Play More Games game store, located at 42 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20878.**

Seeking: 2-3 adults to join our initial 2 players, for a party of 4-5 players.
When: Every other Sunday, 1:00-4:45pm
Starting: TBD with a Session zero (hopefully in October).

This level 3-20 campaign features two of Wizards of the Coast's recent adventures - Planescape: Turn of Fortune's Wheel and Vecna: Eve of Ruin. As heroes of the multiverse, you'll be traveling throughout Sigil and the Outlands, and across the worlds of D&D. Can you save the multiverse, not once, but twice?

Wake up!: You wake up with no idea who you truly are.  While you remember your name, you have no memories, no idea where you are and how you got here.  Strangely, you do have abilities and a personality, but no sense of how these came to be.  The only things you have are your clothes, your gear, and a trinket that means the world to you.  Why? You don’t know, but it is very special and important.  Surrounded by others in the same situation, you make your way out of where you are only to find yourself, as you come to learn, in the city of Sigil, the City of Doors.  Soon, our intrepid heroes, in a search to restore their memories, are caught up in an adventure that spans Sigil and the Outlands, a disk shaped plane with gate towns to the Outer Planes. 

And then…: The adventure over, our heroes, with fully restored memories, now live in the city of Neverwinter in Faerun, working for Lord Neverember.  Wait… how did you get here from Sigil?  Being heroes of the multiverse, you become embroiled in a sinister plot by the great lich, Vecna, seeking to unravel and remake the multiverse into his own making.  Before you know it, you’re back in Sigil and tasked to restore an artifact to stop Vecna.  The task will take you traveling across the various realms and planes for the D&D Multiverse – the Astral Plane, Eberron, Barovia, Krynn, Oerth, and more.

Cost: Seat fee of $8/person per session, payable to the store
Sources: 2024 Players Handbook, Planescape: Sigil and the Outlands, Monsters of the Multiverse and more (excludes legacy content from 2014 PHB)
Resources: Discord for communication. D&D Beyond campaign link provided for character creation.
About me: I've been playing D&D since 2017, and have DM'd several published adventures, with modifications to suit our play - with one published adventure extending into homebrew for more levels. As a DM I like to do things by the book for the most part, but am willing to stretch the text of spells or abilities in narratively suitable moments (i.e., creativity is welcome, to a point). I enjoy a balanced adventure of exploration, combat, and social interaction, and welcome collaboration among the group.
As a group: Respect is important, for each other, for the game, and for our time. We're in this together to have fun.

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