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What we’re about

Forbidden Archeology, that which does not follow the accepted narrative, remains concealed. Certain authentic photos and videos are sometimes mixed with false ones to confuse the truth. Myths and Hollywood films have eventually replaced reality with false doctrine.

Spiritual education regarding nature and the cosmos remains untaught in our schools and universities. This group is a perfect example of engaging the unknown and marrying it with science. Fantastic knowledge in fantastic times, essential in understanding eventual human evolution into higher dimensional realms awaits human species on this Earth.

All UFOs in Outer & Inner Space (ALIENs) members' stories and opinions expressed and posted on our message boards and pages are not necessarily the opinions of the organizers, nor should they be considered as true or false, but viewed instead as legitimate evidence presented by the publishing member.

ALIENs... neither endorses nor denies the truthfulness of any postings on this site. We encourage members not to challenge or doubt shared conscious stories, thoughts or opinions, and encourages members to feel safe to reveal topics of interest in that regard. Matters discussed on this site are often controversial, and consideration should always be given to the consequences of following a particular line of thinking. This group exists in the role of information provider, gatherer and sharer of ideas, and optional choices for consideration of possible knowledge regarding alien and UFO culture.

Any hateful, negative, or offensive comments will be removed. Any postings attacking or slandering beliefs and opinions of others will also be removed. Members who insist on violating this ethic may also be removed. Debates about controversial topics and skeptical opinions are nevertheless encouraged including written dialogue. The use of this site by its members to promote fundraising, or commercial activity other than in regard to related media publications is not permitted. Anyone who repeatedly does so may be banned from the site.

ALIENs... is not responsible for the expressed opinions of other members within this group, or for any information they may shared on the forum. Each member is forewarned to do their own due diligence toward investigating information and not take any statements at face value. Please research articles before posting them and cite the link source to properly credit its creators.

As an information service, we quote many sources, various articles, and belief systems provided in good faith. It remains ultimately up to each individual to make decisions based on their own judgement.