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Insight Meditation - A Mindful Walk In Nature

Photo of Isabel Solano
Hosted By
Isabel S.
Insight Meditation - A Mindful Walk In Nature


Date: September 20, 2024
Start Time: 6:30pm
Finish Time: 8:00pm

Please join us as we explore the principles of Insight Meditation in the serene beauty of Pearce Estate Park.

Insight Meditation is the practice of being aware of our experiences in the present moment. It invites us to fully engage with the present moment, cultivating awareness of our emotions, sensations, and experiences. This practice helps us gain a deeper understanding of how we respond to both pleasant and challenging situations.

During our walk, we will focus on embracing our experiences without judgement of fear. Whether you are familiar with meditation or new to the practice, this is an opportunity to connect with stillness and awareness that the present moment offers.

We look forward to sharing this mindful journey with you.

Meeting Spot

Pearce Estate Parking Lot - 6:15pm


Event Waiver

By signing up for this event you acknowledge and accept the following:

"I acknowledge that this activity in which I am participating, organized by Alpine Wellness Hiking Adventures and/or its members, involves risks which are beyond the control of the group. Notwithstanding the acknowledgement of such risks, I hereby release the Alpine Wellness Hiking Adventures and its organizers from all claims for damage however so arising as a result of my participation in this and any other activity organized by the Alpine Wellness Hiking Adventures. I affirm that I am aware of the nature of this activity, its length, duration and degrees of difficulty and that I am properly equipped and physically able to participate. I have no medical or other condition which might preclude my participation. I agree to pay the cost of emergency evacuation of my person and/or my belongings that may be necessary. I agree to follow the directions of the organizer(s) and any assistants at all times."

Photo of Alpine Wellness Hiking Adventures group
Alpine Wellness Hiking Adventures
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Pearce Estate Park
1440 17A Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 4T9 · Calgary, AB
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