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Pocaterra Ridge - Larch Hike (Hard)

Photo of Darryl
Hosted By
Darryl .
Pocaterra Ridge - Larch Hike (Hard)


Date: September 28 2024

Hike start time: 7:00am

Hike finish time: Around 3PM (but don't count on it :))

Distance: 10km

Elevation Gain: 720m

Difficulty: Hard

This will be our early attempt to see beautiful larch trees change colour. Based on some reports we may have an early season this year - but it is really a guessing game.

I would love to do this hike point-to-point, south to north, starting at Pocaterra ridge trailhead and finishing at the Little Highwood Pass. To accomplish this we would meet at the Little Highwood Pass trailhead, leave half (or enough) of the cars there and with the other half, shuttle everyone to Pocaterra trailhead. At the end of the hike we would shuttle the drivers back to Pocaterra trailhead to retrieve their cars. The distance between the two parking lots is 6.5km.

Alternatively, we can do this hike as out and back - shorter and less elevation. When signing up for the hike you will have the option to state your preference and I will go with the majority of votes - but it would be so cool to do the entire ridge 😇. There are 4 "summits"; a bit of a struggle to gain the ridge, then lots of ups and downs, some hands on sections (but no drop offs or exposure), and beautiful views along the way.

What to bring

  • Hiking shoes/boots with good treads.
  • Hiking poles.
  • Please dress in layers.
  • Plenty of water. At least 2 to 3 leaders 
  • Nutritious, energy-boosting snack.
  • Bear spray.
  • Sunscreen.
  • Hat.
  • Personal first aid kit.

Carpooling/Park Pass

If anyone needs a ride from the city, please make arrangements through event chat or direct messaging. Please consider a contribution to your driver for gas and portion of the Kananaskis Pass. Suggested amount for this trip $15.


Pocaterra Ridge Weather (

Pocaterra Ridge Weather (Yr)

Meeting Spot

Petro Canada Hwy 1 (If carpooling from Petro Canada, use this link for navigation) - 5:45AM

Pocaterra Trail Parking Lot - 7:00AM (for out & back hike)

Little Highwood Pass Parking Lot - 7:00AM (for point to point hike)


Pocaterra Ridge (Point-to-Point) (Alltrails)

South Pocaterra Ridge (Out-and-back)(Alltrails)

Kananaskis Pass

Be Bear Smart

Alberta Parks Advisories & Closures

The Seven Principles of Leave No Trace


If you have any questions please call/text me at 403-598-1100

Event Waiver

By signing up for this event you acknowledge and accept the following:

"I acknowledge that this activity in which I am participating, organized by Alpine Wellness Hiking Adventures and/or its members, involves risks which are beyond the control of the group. Notwithstanding the acknowledgement of such risks, I hereby release the Alpine Wellness Hiking Adventures and its organizers from all claims for damage however so arising as a result of my participation in this and any other activity organized by the Alpine Wellness Hiking Adventures. I affirm that I am aware of the nature of this activity, its length, duration and degrees of difficulty and that I am properly equipped and physically able to participate. I have no medical or other condition which might preclude my participation. I agree to pay the cost of emergency evacuation of my person and/or my belongings that may be necessary. I agree to follow the directions of the organizer(s) and any assistants at all times."

Photo of Alpine Wellness Hiking Adventures group
Alpine Wellness Hiking Adventures
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