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20 mile bike ride from Charlestown to Brookline

Photo of Marjorie O'Malley
Hosted By
Marjorie O.
20 mile bike ride from Charlestown to Brookline


Enjoy a beautiful 20 mile ride beginning in Paul Revere Park (near the playground) traveling along the Charles River then along the Olmstead Bike Path into Brookline and eventually into South Brookline. We will enjoy beautiful views of Boston from the top of Lars Anderson Park and pedal along Jamaica Pond and the Jamicaway bike path. We will return via the Charles River and will have a bonus 1 mile loop through North Point, Cambridge. We will travel at 12-13 mph. We will leave PROMPTLY at 9:00. All participants must wear a helmet and sign a waiver. Please download the route on ride with GPS. Afterward, we enjoy a cup of coffee or tea at City Square Charlestown.


## Related Link(s):

Photo of AMC Boston Bike Committee group
AMC Boston Bike Committee
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