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What we’re about

Are you passionate about creating products that truly resonate with your market ?

"The Aligned Circles," is a dynamic meetup dedicated to Product Managers, Product Owners looking to perfectly align their products with the needs of users.

Our mission is to create a community where the circles of product, market, and innovation align closely to achieve the goal of Product-Market Fit.

What you can expect :

Real-World Case Studies: Learn from other Product Managers' successes and failures in their quest for the perfect PMF.

Deep Dives into PMF: Explore strategies to identify, achieve, and maintain product-market fit across various industries and product types.

Interactive Workshops: Engage in hands-on sessions to refine your skills in customer discovery, value proposition definition, and product iteration.

Targeted Networking : Connect with like-minded professionals, potential mentors, and industry experts.

Feedback Sessions: Present your product challenges and get constructive feedback from the community.

Whether you're a seasoned PM or an aspiring Product Manager, "The Aligned Circles" offers a space to sharpen your skills, expand your network, and most importantly, learn how to create products that find their perfect adoption in the market.

Together, let's share ideas to create products that people love !

Tot ziens (See you) at our next gathering !

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