What we’re about
Introduction of Animal Flow
Animal Flow is a barehand and ground based movement training with imitation of animal locomotion.
This system emphasised on science based concept like body mechanics, energy direction, functional training. It is designed to improve strength, power, flexibility, mobility, and coordination for all levels of fitness enthusiasts.
During this class I will introduce you to different animal flow movements. Through the movements, we workout, stretch and create our flow like a dance piece together.
I invite you to flow together !
動物流動作可以跟據身體狀況作出調整、進階、退階,因此,不管是年齡大小;完全初學者還是有健身或是瑜伽背景人仕,都適合參加動物流Animal Flow開始鍛煉
Animal flow movement included regression form and progression form, so no matter how old you are, newbie or experienced in workout, yoga. All are welcome to animal flow exerciseHi All, I am Lawrence, Certified Animal Flow Level I instructor and Certified Personal Trainer from A.C.E.
Class fee: 150 per person
Please feel free to message me for any questions. cheers!
Example what a flow is From my ig
Background 背景
Lawrence Tai , 曾經既空少,亦入過穩定既政府,不斷諗自己追求同夢想係咩。毅然決定跟隨自己一直既興趣,全職自由人同大家分享唔同身體既鍛鍊,心靈滋養既活動。 咩都鐘意玩,由街跑、街頭健身、動物流、瑜伽到大自然中獨木舟、行山、露營等等。 擁有美國A.C.E. 私人教練牌,亦係動物流教練,瑜伽老師,銅鑼師及美國ANFT認證森林浴嚮導。 無論你既興趣係鍛鍊身體、心靈,力量定係伸展,相信我地都會搵到共通既語言。 學海無涯,心頭依然有好多課程想進修。同時,深信師生本是相連,教學相長。希望融合所有身、及心靈所學到既知識、技巧同學生分享,大家一齊成長。
Used to be flight attendant and civil servant, kept asking myself who I wanna be. Finally, decided to quit and follow my passion - Building up community and focus on wellness of body and mind. Interested in street run, workout, animal flow, yoga, also activities in nature form kayaking, hiking to camping etc Being Animal flow instructor and A.C.E. Personal Trainer , Yoga and Sound Healing Teacher, ANFT Certified Forest Bathing Guide, always eager to learn new knowledge, combine what I learned, practiced and share with students. No matter you are interested in physical training or spiritual aspect of life, I believe we can find our common ground and explore together !