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What we’re about

A support group for people trying to live that occult life in an increasingly Christo-fascist world. Let's get together, compare notes, whisper occult secrets, drink coffee and strange wines, eat locally-sourced food, and just generally remind ourselves that it's not as bad as it seems - that, in fact, nothing is as it seems. There may also be movie nights.

This group is for:

Witches, Warlocks, Magicians, Masons, Thelemites, Hermeticists, Alchemists, Subgeniuses, The Jung at heart, who aren't aFreud of no ghosts, Mediums, Smalls and Larges, Tarot readers, Palm readers, coin-flippers, table-turners and card-counters, Gardnerians, Rosicrucians, Anthroposophists, Grant fans (Kenneth or Morrison), people who have discovered that "bipolar" is just medical speak for "too cool for most people to know what to do with," Watchmen, Watchwomen, Harlequins, Bigfoots, Bigfoot hunters, Satanists, Santa-ists, Christian occultists (Lord bless your hearts, I know there's a few of you out there), the downcast, the downtrodden, the huddled masses yearning for freedom to do the Great Work however they see fit.