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3-Session Astrology in Tarot Workshop

Photo of Connie
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3-Session Astrology in Tarot Workshop


RSVPing on MeetUp does not guarantee your spot.

YOU MUST REGISTER on the AME Events page.
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fee: $90

Geared toward those who already have a working knowledge of the tarot, this 3-session workshop will enlighten you to the connections tarot has to astrology.

Thursdays 6:00 - 7:30 October 3rd, 10th, 17th.

Class 1:

  • Astrological signs and planets' characteristics
  • Associations with the court cards
  • Significator cards
  • Paired readings.

Class 2:

  • Interactions of the signs and planets' energies
  • Association with the Wands and Swords suits
  • Timing in tarot
  • Paired readings

Class 3:

  • Interactions of the signs and planets' energies
  • Association with the Cups and Pentacles suits
  • Major Arcana
  • Celtic Cross self read focusing on significator and timing
  • Paired readings with your choice of spread

Please bring a notebook, something to write with and a tarot deck.

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Antique Moon Emporium Events
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Antique Moon Emporium
4707 William Flinn Hwy Ste 3 · Allison Park, PA
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