Dear card sharps,
This is the fortnightly games night shared between two card groups (Bay State Bridge and Arlington Hearts & Spades), and a longstanding Games Night contingent. It is structured as a potluck.
You should be fully vaccinated + 2 weeks, or recently tested.
We will have tables for bridge, other cards and board games. Grab a friend and join us!
Start time: 5:30 pm. Come and go as you please.
Bring: A dish or beverage, and if you like, your favorite game.
Address: on request
Phone: on request
I’ll provide:
A main course
A vegetarian dish
A snack or two
Perhaps: something sweet
Perhaps: An alcoholic elixir to improve your performance
Non-alcoholic beverages
Hope to see you. 😊 Please RSVP so I have an idea of what to expect!