Stay Home and Journey Longer (a donation-based event requiring registration)
Throughout history, virtually every culture has provided an opportunity and a method to access non-ordinary states of consciousness for inner exploration and healing. These methods have included drumming, chanting, dancing, fasting, ingesting psychoactive plants, altering breathing patterns, and many others. Breathwork, through deep breathing and evocative music, facilitates access to all levels of human experience, including unfinished biographical material, birth memories, transpersonal phenomena, and residues of trauma stored in the body.
The online workshops have been great. Some participants have asked for a longer session, so here we go; this one will be 80 minutes. Check out the comments at our website from some of our workshop participants.
Limited to 15 participants. We will be sharing with each other via Zoom and providing a music file to download and play on your device.
For more information and to register, please visit this website. Feel free to register and pay whatever you can afford.
Stay Home and Journey Longer (a donation-based event requiring registration)