What we’re about
This Meetup Group was established and inaugurated by Jody Friedman, who chaired and ran the sessions for over 2 years. During that time, Jody expertly guided the group through the pandemic and life's challenges, as well as many good laughs and discussions. We are grateful to Jody for her sensitive, good-hearted leadership, and we wish her all the best as she steps down from this role.
Frank and Ginny have agreed to take on the task of Co-Chairs of the group. The purpose of the group, as established by Jody, is to meet and create community with people who are curious, like to laugh, value inner growth and are good-hearted. Up until the end of April 2023, all sessions occurred via Zoom and focused on specific topics. With the new Co-Chairs, the format will be slightly altered. We will alternate sessions at which specific topics will be discussed with sessions in which short TED-talk-type videos (or alternative video or reading) will be circulated ahead of time and discussed during the zoom session. In addition, we will set up once-a-month in-person sessions at which members of the group can come together to socialize and get to know each other better.
Sessions are normally every other week. (A normal cycle might be: week 1: Topic; week 3: video; week 5: Topic; week 7: in-person. During the summer months, there may be more in-person sessions.) For each session, come with your different opinions, unique sharing and stories. Each gathering normally includes a possibility for people to introduce themselves, especially when new members join in. Topics for discussion might include subjects such as an event that changed your life; a book, movie, or play that altered you; or a goal you might have for the future. Any suggestions for future topics are welcome.
For the virtual events on Zoom we will send you a link for the meetup a few days prior to the meeting. For the Zoom sessions regarding video topics, we will send the link to the videos prior to the Zoom meeting.
***What to expect:
A safe and positive space to meet interesting people and comfortably share interests, joys, and challenges. Participants are encouraged to share their thoughts, but you can also feel free to just hang back and listen or ask questions.
Complete information regarding events is available once you sign up and sign in as a member.