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What we’re about

🙋🏻‍♂️Who should Join?
Mainly Asian (EA and SEA), ppl who love Asia culture

🤷🏻‍♂️Why should Join?
As an Asian, Make Friends in an European country is not easy, especially it become impossible when building long terms friendship with similar cultures and mindset. This group will form a small community of Hong Kongese, Taiwanese, Chinese, Malaysian, while people from other Asia countries like Japanese, Indians, Korean etc. are all welcome, if people from other countries have STRONG interest of East Asia’s culture and festival are welcome to join too! (Will be start to form a small group at the beginning, might consider to make the group bigger in the future)

💁🏻‍♂️What will we do?
While most Meetup group are just simply gathering and drinking, our group are more focus on “Building long-term friendship”, “Enjoying Asia Festival”, “Try sth new with like-mind friends”. People who have suggestion are feel free to give it out!

🧏🏻‍♂️When will it happen?
As most people are busying during weekdays, this Meetup’s event will only held twice a month on Saturday(the day might change to meet the day of the Asia festivals if there’s any upcoming), balancing between low-pressure and boost sense of belonging for the group

🙇🏻‍♂️What languages will we communicate?
Mainly English, while sometimes might use Cantonese and Chinese

🙆🏻‍♂️What you need to do?
⭐️Passionate and willing to join the events
⭐️Respect and be Friendly
⭐️Contribution sometimes(depends on events, not a Must)