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What we’re about

This Meetup group lists public events sponsored by a local amateur astronomy club: the Astronomical Society of Southern New England (ASSNE, website:, based in Rehoboth, MA. This public meetup group is free to join and most of our club events are free and open to the public. We have a passion for showing the night sky to as many people as possible and firing their enthusiasm for astronomy. On a volunteer basis, our members host public observing nights, give astronomy talks and demonstrations, and teach observing and using astronomy equipment.

If you would like to get more seriously involved in astronomy beyond our free public outreach events, inquire about becoming a formal member of ASSNE (requires annual dues). Club membership confers voting rights at meetings, members' only website/forum access, and invitations to member-only events, such as camping trips and private observing nights. Attend an event or meeting or check out our website to learn more about joining.

We also welcome inquiries from teachers and non-profits who would like to host an astronomy night at their school or community venue. And if you have a telescope or binoculars, you are welcome to bring it to any of our events (or come to a club meeting to learn how to use your equipment).

Please note, you do not need to know anything about astronomy, own any equipment, or pay dues to attend our PUBLIC MEETUPS. Just come and enjoy the night sky with us, and we will happily answer your questions. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. We look forward to seeing you under the stars!

**Please do not cross post events to other groups as we require accurate RSVP counts**