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Astrological Speed Dating Event

Ages: 23-35

Please join us for a night of Astrological Speed Dating! This event offers a unique & exciting opportunity to meet potential matches who are more likely to be compatible with you on a cosmic level. By aligning with your astrological sign, these events cater specifically to the personality traits, strengths, & desires that are written in the stars, offering a deeper connection from the start. It's not just about finding someone; it's about discovering who the stars have aligned for you, making your dating experience a more intuitive & meaningful. Plus, it's a fun way to mingle with others who share an interest in astrology, adding an extra layer of intrigue to your social interactions!

Once you have purchased your ticket you will need to fill out a google form with your Big 3 (birth chart) information.

  • Ticket purchase ( & google form ( completion is required to participate in the speed dating event. *

Still have questions? Feel free to connect with us at:
FB: Cosmic Connections
IG: @_cosmic_connection_dating
TikTok: CosmicConnections6
[email protected]

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