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What we’re about

Welcome ladies to your new future friends. 
Please join if you are looking for Cultivating Friendships That Will Last Forever in a true sense of a Desi community with other Desi females to create a second family of high-quality friendships with integrity. This is a Ladies only Desi social group. Gentlemen may join the co-ed division of the group at Atlanta Desi Community here

Please only join if you plan to be an active member of this group attending at least one event per month or bimonthly. All events will be for ladies only. However, there will be some Open Events where men and/or children are welcome. Do be aware within the group some of the ladies may be mothers. If the event facility is child-friendly, then our group will never frown upon a mother attending our events with her well-behaved child(ren). Therefore children may or may not be often be seen in especially the daytime events.  
Very important: Do please understand each person will be responsible for paying for their own food, beverages, shopping, event ticket, and other costs involved at each of the meetup events.  
Welcome again ladies to your new future friends. We look forward to meeting every one of you at the next meetup events.  
"By chance we met, by choice we become friends." -Millie Huang

What is the meaning of Desi?
"Desi, pronounced as “They- See”, is a loose term for the cultures and products of South Asia and their diaspora, derived from the Ancient Sanskrit देश (deśá or deshi), meaning Land or Country. "Desi" countries include AfghanistanBhutanBangladesh, IndiaMaldivesNepalPakistan, and Sri Lanka."

Desi Ladies hold no liability for the events, membership, or its members. Please note, by being a member of Desi Ladies, and you hereby release and hold harmless Desi Ladies organizers, Desi Ladies Members, Desi Ladies sponsors, event host, event facilities, event staff, and event property from any and all damages, claims, injuries, and liabilities of whatever kind, including but not limited to claims of any injury and any loss or damage to personal property, which may arise out of attendance at any event and out of any participation in any activities while in attendance. Please note any opinions or views shared are the opinion or views of the person expressing the statement not necessarily the opinion or views of the Desi Ladies. All policies may be amended at any time without prior notice.

Joining this group confirms you agree with the zero liability of this group and the agreement below:
Terms & Conditions Agreement (T&C), Privacy Policy Agreement, Guidelines, and Disclaimers... Please read in the Atlanta Desi Ladies Message Board thread here: