Monday Night Book Club

The Atlanta Soto Zen Center offers a Monday night Book Club. Participants can join in person or online. The first 25 minutes is zazen(meditation), followed by an informal discussion on the book that ends at 9:00 PM.
Note: The current book is called Appreciate Your Life: The Essence of Zen Practice.
Please click the Book schedule Link to get the schedule and the book information.
The new book is a collection of short, inspiring teachings on Zen koans, the Buddha, and more—from a leader in introducing Zen Buddhism to the West
Here is the first major collection of the teachings of Taizan Maezumi Roshi (1931-1995), one of the first Japanese Zen masters to bring Zen to the West and founding abbot of the Zen Center of Los Angeles and Zen Mountain Center in Idyllwild, California. These short, inspiring readings illuminate Zen practice in simple, eloquent language. Topics include zazen and Zen koans, how to appreciate your life as the life of the Buddha, and the essential matter of life and death.

Every week on Monday until December 29, 2025
Monday Night Book Club