The 4-3 Reply
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An opening roll 4-3 is pretty good, considering it doesn't actually make a point. You can bring down two builders giving yourself great point making potential if your opponent doesn't roll an eight or nine. Or you can split and build in a couple of different ways.
As a reply to a opening roll, 4-3 is ineffective. The dice total seven so you can't hit any blot in your opponents outfield.
If your opponent splits to your 5 or 4 point, you can only hit by using the spare on your 8 point, leaving a stack on your 6 point and a stripped 8 point.
The only good roll is if your opponent slots their 5 point with and ace; in that case you have a nice hit and split play.
If you can't hit the 5 point, the 4-3 will leave you a solid underdog.
Auckland Backgammon
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The 4-3 Reply