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Got $270? Got property. The $270 method.

Photo of Maria Temnyuk
Hosted By
Maria T.
Got $270? Got property. The $270 method.



In 10 years, you can be financially independent, living off your passive income, or still stuck in the same place.

If money wasn’t an obstacle to your dreams (because it won’t be after this), what do you see yourself doing?

Let me guess…

  • Working only because you WANT to, and NEVER because you have to. You get to follow your passions by choosing what you do and when.

  • A morning full of your favorite self-care practices – working out, watching the sunrise, or even enjoying a regular sleep-in…

  • A day filled with a BBQ with your loved ones in the backyard of a mortgage-free home.

  • The peace of mind that your kids are set for life – NO MATTER WHAT.

You’ve got the wants. We’ve got the HOW.

Over the last 17 years of my career, we’ve seen our clients follow our method for investing in real estate and find it to be the fastest vehicle to build wealth.

So we are inviting you to join us for a free webinar on the 26th of September at 7:30 pm, where we will teach you how you can own a property like this(pictured below):

• 3 bed, 2 bath stand-alone home in the North of Hamilton
• Brand-new and fully tenant-ready
• Purchase price: $775,000

For only $270 per week AND without using any cash deposit.

Our clients normally pay thousands of dollars for this support, but on the 26th of September… We’ll be giving it to you, FREE.

This is the first time ever that we are sharing this information publicly. We normally only provide this advice to our paying private clients. So you are in for a treat.

HERE’S WHAT YOU’LL LEARN (& imagine being the kind of person who buys themselves a lifetime of wealth for Christmas!):

• Our unique + exclusive $270 METHOD that shows you exactly how to own your own investment property with just $270.

• The easy-to-understand cash flow projection system, so there are no surprises along the way, and ‘I’m not sure what it will cost’ is no longer an excuse not to invest.

• Exactly how much CASH MONEY you can expect to receive in returns – hint, it’s a multi 6-figure number.

• Some of our top opportunities to take advantage of in the current market (hurry, because this will change soon).

• The stress-free way to minimize risks and maximize rewards (how to get amazing tenants, protect your home and lifestyle, etc.).

We will also be hosting an OPEN FLOOR Q&A, giving you the opportunity to receive answers to questions that would normally cost hundreds of dollars.

After this webinar, you could become a property investor and have your ENTIRE life change.

So, are you in to learn this success formula that will transform your life?

Click on the link to REGISTER

Photo of Auckland Wealth Meetup Group group
Auckland Wealth Meetup Group
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