New Years Eve Singles Party
New Year’s Eve Singles Party
Tuesday 31 December 06.30pm-12.05am
Remuera Club 27 Ohinerau St Remuera
Tickets $30 or $40 at the door
Our New Year’s Eve Party is the biggest party of the year with over 150 party people ready for action!
So standby to meet plenty of new people and the chance to make new friends.
In terms of music we have you covered. You will be entertained by leading Auckland DJ Going Bananas and yes they will be accepting your requests.
In terms of food we have you covered.
Pizza Hut will be making three deliveries of Pizza, the first at 7.30pm, the second one at 8.30pm and the last one at 9.30pm. The vegetarian pizzas will be marked with a V.
Mr Whippy will be serving you with the most delicious ice creams from 7.30pm until 9.30pm
All your food is included in the ticket price.
NB if tickets do not sell out on- line then yes there will be door sales.
Alan Reeves
New Years Eve Singles Party