Wednesday Evening Meditation Service
This intimate meditation gathering can be the perfect introduction to the practice of meditation as taught by Unity and a great way to meet others for fellowship and support on your spiritual path.
“Don’t talk about God. Experience God.”
- Myrtle Fillmore, Unity co-founder
There will be a brief reading or focus, with a full 20 minute sit in the silence with gentle music background. Participants will have a unique opportunity to go deeply into a full meditative experience and be supported by others who have similar intentions to “go within”.
After the meditation, there will be an opportunity to share, request prayer support, and choose an affirmation to work with throughout the week.
Registration is not required, just arrive by 6:45 so as NOT to disturb others. Doors will be closed once the group has begun their time in the silence.
Cost: Love Offering to UCOH
Every week on Wednesday
Wednesday Evening Meditation Service