What we’re about
The Habit Work Meet-up Relaunch for 2021.
Back in 2017 when I first started this meet-up, I was focused on habits that impacted productivity, were “high-impact” and essentially made us our best selves hustling to get to the next thing. I wanted to create a community of people focused on similar pursuits that could discuss topics and support one another creating and breaking habits. That is largely all still true, especially the last sentence. However, over the last three years a lot has shifted for me as I’m sure it has for each of you. I’m more interested in thriving, in supporting wellbeing, understanding my goals and my why better, and exploring topics that impact growth and development than how I can optimize 15 minutes to hustle the hell out of it. Even the word “work” in “Habit Work” strikes me as slightly strong. Hopefully, this group isn’t “work” - Why can’t habits create joy? I’ve longed to relaunch the group and love getting messages from people when you reach out. So let’s try this again…
Part learning community, group discussions, part accountability group, “The Habit Work” meet-up is meant to establish a community of people curious about themselves, learning from each other, trying new things and perhaps changing or establishing a habit along the way.
This group is for Austin professionals 25-55 who are on a growth journey, who want to learn in community with others, who value others and interested in exploring new topics. We will have opportunities for accountability, for reflection, for discussion, workshops, a TED circle, and perhaps a yoga session. My sincere hope is that after each meet-up we all feel supported and positive, have discovered something about ourselves, have learned something from someone and have made positive connections with others.
I’m open and hope you are as well. If you are currently a member and this doesn’t sound like your idea of fun, then please feel free to leave the group. No hard feelings. If you are in… here’s to 2021!