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ELEVATE: Special IN-PERSON Experience Network & Rise Above Limits

Photo of Michelle Wilson
Hosted By
Michelle W.
ELEVATE: Special IN-PERSON Experience Network & Rise Above Limits


Kick off your fall with this powerful and uplifting experience! This will be an intimate gathering of like-minded women in Michelle's home in Evergreen, Colorado.
RSVP ASAP to get the early bird $77 before it goes up to $97 on Monday 9/23.

Are you craving in person events with fun, authentic connections, AND uplifting information and experiences to create your best year yet?

Join us for this transformational, one day retreat Friday, September 27th
With special guest: Jayne Sanders! We love doing events together as you can see in the photo from one of our Purpose & Impact events.

This is for YOU IF:

1. You want to connect and collaborate with other purpose- driven, heart centered leaders and business owners.

2. You have a vision for making more impact with your gifts and services and passions

3. You recognize that the "inner stuff" like mindset, emotional resiliency and energetic alignment has everything to do with your outcomes in life and business

4. You would love to "elevate" your impact and income while enjoying your life and experiencing more ease and flow.

5. You are ready to "take your foot off the brake" getting in the way of your big, exciting goals! (We all have unconscious patterns that create "upper limit problems" like resistance, self-sabotage and more!

Join us for this powerful experience led by Michelle L Wilson, MA, LPC and Mentor for Visionary Leaders.

The investment of $97 (early bird of $77) includes lunch, snacks, chocolate and a special binder and gift you will treasure and review throughout the year to elevate yourself, your vision and your outcomes and stay connected with your big why and purpose.

This is in addition to the fun and life-changing transformation you will experience of course ;)

We'll have time for deepening connections and also experiences such as:

Learn the surprising ways you may be creating and maintaining upper limits in your personal and professional life where you have big ambitious visions for your desired outcomes.... but may have been feeling stuck and frustrated.

As high achievers wanting to make a difference in the world, we all bump up against "upper limits" as we grow and then we can feel like we are taking 3 steps forward and 5 steps back.

Discover how to identify the REAL root causes that may be getting in the way and how to get unstuck so you can rise above to become the leader you know you are meant to be!

Practice new tools and techniques to help you elevate beyond your inner, upper limits!

Questions? email me: [email protected]

We'd love to see you there!

xo Michelle

Photo of Authentic Women in Business group
Authentic Women in Business
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Rte. 74 and Hilltop Rd. · Kittredge, CO
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