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Magnetic Manifesting Experience Day 3: Create Ease & Flow for Results you Crave

Photo of Michelle Wilson
Hosted By
Michelle W.
Magnetic Manifesting Experience Day 3: Create Ease & Flow for Results you Crave


Create an EPIC last quarter of 2024 without the hustle & grind! What if you could create more ease, flow & joy in your business and your life while finally getting the results you crave?

PART 3: Final masterclass

Join us for The Magnetic Manifesting Experience: A 3 part intimate, transformational retreat over Zoom.

***You must go here to register to get access to the Zoom link, super helpful workbook, and more!

  • Crystalize your vision for what you would love to create!
  • Create calm on demand
  • Learn the 7 Power Practices for advanced manifesting
  • Experience powerful techniques to become magnetic to ideal clients,
    opportunities & more!

Three powerful 1 hour activation sessions:

Monday, 9/23 9-10am PT, 12pm ET

Wednesday 2/19, 9-10am PT, 12pm ET

Thursday, 2/22/22 9-10am PT, 12pm ET

We will gather over Zoom where you will practice powerful tools and techniques to become "Magnetic" to your ideal clients, opportunities, referral sources and much more!

** The sessions will be recorded and available as a bundle for all 8 masterclass experiences for $33.33

If you are tired of the hustle and grind and crave more ease and grace as you grow your business, this experience will change you and your business forever!
Now is the time to do things differently.

I used to be frustrated by the Law of Attraction and felt it "didn't work for me!" until I learned what I will share with you over these powerful workshops! :)

The themes for each day will be emailed to you as we get closer to the event and they build on each other so be sure to block of your calendar for all 3 gatherings to get the most out of this incredible event!

If you are ready to have amazing breakthroughs and want to experience the rest of 2024 in the most empowered, joyful, connected way possible, register here right now!

We would love to see you there <3


Michelle Wilson, MA, LPC, The Breakthrough Mentor, is the leading expert in mindset, emotional, and soul level breakthroughs for abundance.
She has over 25 years in the psychology field with 15 years as a business owner of a thriving private practice in the Boston area. She has extensive training as a master mind/body/energy healer and mindset coach for entrepreneurs & leaders. Now in the Denver area, she helps solopreneurs, business owners, and leaders clear their blocks with grace and ease so they can finally experience the results and impact they crave. [email protected]

Photo of Authentic Women in Business group
Authentic Women in Business
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