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What we’re about


If you want to find a really special community and group of people - sometimes you just have to create it.

If you are looking for something really amazing with great people: Please read the whole description! It will be worth it.

I am starting a network with people who inspire each other. Join our discord ( and join us for amazing small-group coffee chats where we make new friends and pair up to co-work.

-------------------- WHO THIS GROUP IS SUITED FOR ------------------------------

You are a great fit if you think of yourself as:

  • Being a passionate professional - an entrepreneur, engineer, business person, student, artist... who loves what they do
  • Being inspired
  • Wanting to inspire others; want to meet wholesome people
  • Actively accepting other people for who they are, cherishing differences
  • Not focused on smalltalk and gossip or social expectations but instead looking for meaningful connections
  • simply looking for great friends you share something with
  • want to collaborate or pair program on things
  • open-minded
  • excited to work together on something
  • want to laugh, have fun, and joy at work together

---------------------------- WHAT THE PLAN IS -----------------------------

We will meet in a very small group in a cafe. Locations may change throughout Boston but will often be in East Boston, for example Cafe Iterum. Part of the time we will chat, get to know each other, and have fun; part of the time we will work together on things in groups - doesn't matter what, personally I like pair programming or exploring startup ideas, but can be anything - and share our passion for it.

Ideally we will create friendships, business connections who want to work together and recruit each other possibly, maybe even create startups.

-------------------------- OTHER LOGISTICAL INFOS ----------------------------------

I will require you to apply for this group, to keep it small. It's first come first serve. But we can either add a wait list, come up with a further way to connect e.g. by creating a discord server and self-organizing, or split into multiple separate meetings so everyone can join. So do reach out to me.

If you apply to this meetup group, you don't have to prove yourself or something. I'll accept anyone. You only have to tell me that you feel like you fit with what I wrote here. You can copy-paste if you like:
"Hey Jesper, I feel like I'd fit well with a group of people you described. Please accept me into the group."

Kind of a disclaimer: I want this to be like a nice chat over coffee with friends. In normal life, you don't have endless time and pick to have coffee with people you actually like, in most cases.
To make this work for now I will set the clear expectation that I decide who joins us and who leaves us, at will. As soon as possible, I will provide an alternative so it's not a problem, like a discord server, where you can just self-organize in any way you want and nobody has to meet with people they don't want to. Also I'll try to structure this more in the future so it's fair and not me arbitrarily deciding, for example by adding a code of conduct and things like that. In the meantime, just want to set expectations that the decision is up to me and I decide not to include people in meetings anymore without giving any reason. Hopefully though this will never happen.

Another avenue to reach out to me is via LinkedIn: Never be shy to do so! I love to talk to you whoever you are. I don't have expectations for people.

Upcoming events (4+)

See all
  • Create Startups and apps over coffee! For entrepreneurs, engineers, and business
    CIC Cambridge @ 1 Broadway, Ground Floor Lobby, Cambridge, MA
    • CH
    • Photo of Jesper Hodge
    • Photo of Adam
    • CY
  • Create Startups and apps over coffee! For entrepreneurs, engineers, and business
    CIC Cambridge @ 1 Broadway, Ground Floor Lobby, Cambridge, MA
    • CH
    • Photo of Jesper Hodge
    • Photo of Jaggannadhan Venugopal
    • Photo of Rahul Suresh
    • Photo of Anubhav Darisi
  • Create Startups and apps over coffee! For entrepreneurs, engineers, and business
    CIC Cambridge @ 1 Broadway, Ground Floor Lobby, Cambridge, MA
    • CH
    • Photo of Jesper Hodge
  • Create Startups and apps over coffee! For entrepreneurs, engineers, and business
    CIC Cambridge @ 1 Broadway, Ground Floor Lobby, Cambridge, MA
    • CH
    • Photo of Jesper Hodge