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Lighten Your Load for Intuitives

Network event
34 attendees from 20 groups hosting
Photo of Awkwardly Zen
Hosted By
Awkwardly Z.
Lighten Your Load for Intuitives


Lighten Your Load for Intuitives

How an organic day, a light day of eating, can shift your physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.

Intuitives and Empaths may feel overwhelmed with their nutrition and emotional eating choices. How we can shift to a light day of eating in gentle and an organic fashion maybe what we need most.

The science and research regarding this approach are awesome. However, we have major life changes, emotional triggers and comfort cravings that may make this modality more difficult to do in a rigid, structured manner.

Plus, we aren’t meant to live a robotic lifestyle. I created the Lighten Your Load day to be more flexible with your reality and emotions and follow your body’s cues versus a structured schedule.

When we were hunters and gatherers, we didn’t have three square meals a day or time for snacks. We had to make sure to find food and shelter and survive.

Some days, we had food; some days, we didn’t. It wasn’t a static way to live. We lived with uncertainty. We would scan our environment constantly, looking for threats.

Our nervous system is still programmed this way, constantly looking for threats, stress, and danger; this is called our Sympathetic Nervous system.

Many cultures, religions, and philosophies have days or weeks of fasting. The main reasons for fasting are to improve meditation, gain clarity, and connect to a deeper or higher source.

This is NOT anything rigid or extreme, it is a gentle approach to release guilt and shame around food.

Hi y'all, I am Heather Fleming, a recovering Type-A nutritionist who was seeking perfection, only to realize the body is brilliant and we just have to learn how to listen.

My suggestions and programs are designed to achieve total acceptance with the critic and rebel aspects of our psyche.

When it comes to food, our rebel DESIRES to be fulfilled while the critic JUDGES every desire. When we converse with these two voices and find a calm, common ground, we are free.

Her education, with a B.S. in Nutritional Science and as a Certified Clinical Nutritionist, has provided a solid foundation for her to teach others how to nourish themselves with food. Her mission is to infuse love and compassion and guide others on how to be their own guru.


Awkwardly Zen has 16 locations across the world and meets regularly to spread love and light!

*Opinions of our guests may not be the opinion of Awkwardly Zen. Also, we aren't doctors so we cannot diagnose, cure, or recommend anything for medical treatment.

You may learn about techniques that have worked for many people but they are not intended to replace proper medical care. You do you, Boo.

Photo of Awkwardly Zen - A safe place for your spiritual path - ATL group
Awkwardly Zen - A safe place for your spiritual path - ATL
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