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What we’re about

Colleen Ariel is the inspiration and owner of the enCHANTed Healing Center. She is a gifted Spiritual Sound Healing Facilitator, Channeling Guide, and facilitator of traditional Amazonian Medicines such as Ayahuasca with over 20 plus years working experience. She has been working alongside her Maestro Don in Canada for 16 plus years & has also apprenticed in Peru for 3 months on a very strict Mapacho Dieta with a 5th generational Peruvian Maestro Don.

Colleen is deeply listening within her soul through much humility how to get out of the way in deep service to Gaia & her bee-loved Mother/Father Creator🌹

If you wish to stay connected and would like to attend future Plant Dietas with Ayahuasca & Kambo, Bobinsana, Rose, Rapée, Sananga, Breath work, Yoga, Cacao & Conscious movement, Song Circles/Voice workshops, Water blessings!

Email Colleen Ariel & Team here ~ [email protected] or visit and click on the events page to stay updated 🙏

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