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What we’re about

We are a group of outdoor adventurers with a primary focus on overnight backpacking and occasional hut stays and also unique 'off the beaten path' dayhikes. Hikes and overnight trips will tend to be best suited to intermediate/ advanced skill level although there may be occasional easier trips.

There will be an emphasis on lighterweight backpacking to allow for efficient travel on the more challenging trips.

We may do trips in both designated and non-designated areas(random/dispersed camping) in Alberta/BC and trips further afield such as the US and abroad. Please note that trips will not be 'guided' but that we are simply co-adventurers together.

I also hope to set up in-city meet & greet events, in-city fitness training events, learning/skills events and maybe a few unique dayhikes, scrambles and off trail snowshoe events in winter.

All participants will need to learn and make every effort to follow 'Leave No Trace' principles.
The 7 Principles - Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics

A word on Last Minute Cancellations/ No Shows:
While unforeseen circumstances sometimes occur in our daily lives, participants should make every effort to attend events they are signed up for as late cancellations could affect the success of a trip. No shows though will not be tolerated and could result in your removal from this group.

Upcoming events (4+)

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